Two Month Anniversery
How am I celebrating?
With the "Avian Flu"! No, not really, I just have the regular one. It was really bad yesterday/all lastnight, however I'm feeling better thanks to Mama Wang's "eastern medicine", she keeps telling me xiyao shi bu hao(western medicine is no good). She made me drink all kinds of nasty stuff last night, I don't know what their names are in Chinese but I think the English translation would be something like this: Chinese Exlax 5000. Did your lightbulb go off? You get the idea.
The positive thing in all of this is that I spent a lot of "bonding time" with Mama Wang. At 4 AM this morning she was with me asking questions about every picture that flashed across my laptop's screensaver, and I would explain them all. It made me think back to when I got Typhoid Fever in the Dominican Republic, and my Dominican mom stayed by my side though it all. It really shows a persons true unselfish kindess when they put you first and stick by you even when you're at your worst.
Mama Wang is mixing my next dosage, I'd better go figure out how say "your eastern medicine makes me spend too much time on your eastern toilet".
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